taken from: politicalhumor.about.com
Word of the Post: Vincere (To Win)
Inside: A look at the historic election from Rome; Memorable moments of Obama's speech; Outstanding quote from McCain's speech
Today smiles were on Romans faces everywhere. Last night brought with it two victories.
1. Roma defeated Chelsea in a soccer match--one in which Roma was a complete underdog.
2. Obama won the election.
I didn't have an Obama shirt to represent my home country, but I however had a Roma shirt and that was good enough to get by with people saying hello to me all day long. People shouted "ROMA" at me all day long followed by "Ti piace Obama"--oh it was a day of smiles in Roma.
But instead of going off on how great it is that we now know who our vice president won't be in two months....I would like to point out how incredible this election was as a whole. I actually wish I had been at home for this. We all sat at our computers connected to terrible internet connections hitting refresh with each poll closing. I felt like people must have felt before televisions, when they had to hold the antennae up on their radio to hear the results through the static--that is kind of like what our internet connections are here.
And for the first time the McCain fans and the Obama fans here in Roma were joined together in one thing last night: The fight for a better America in this next term. Clearly, both candidates met politically on that ideal as well. I was lucky enough to read their speeches today, and I cannot even explain how I felt when I read both of their speeches.
Obama's speech not only drove me to tears, but rekindled my belief that things would go back on the fasttrack--if not today, or tomorrow, but someday for our country. The economy is low now, but it was low before, so it can bounce back. We are at war now, and though we can't pull out immediately, we can support. Not all people voted for Obama, but he isn't going to be president just for those who did, he is for all of us. I haven't had the opportunity to watch him say this, but I can imagine it was absolutely outsanding, with his confident bold voice, his ability to capture an audience with his eyes, and his powerful words. He is an astonishing speaker--and I look up to him for that.
Excerpt that I think best captures the essence of his speech:
"The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term... I promise you, we as people will get there....There will be setbacks and false starts...we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers...Our union can be perfected. What we have already achieved gives us hope for what we can and must achieve tomorrow...This is our moment"
Last, the respect that McCain showed in his speech was just phenomenal as he states that before being a Republican or a Democrat, he is an American, and he supports the future of the country.
"Whatever our differences, we are fellow Americans. And please believe me when I say no association has ever meant more to me than that."
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