Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Election Buzz With The Libs

Word of The Post: Stupido (Stupid)

"The last thing I ever wanted was to be alive when the three most powerful people on the whole planet would be named Bush, Dick and Colon."-Kurt Vonnegut

I thought that in dedication to my American roots I would write an entry that is relative to America today. Because it is election day, I have decided to write an entry about the election. I know many things about the election, but the most important thing that I know as of now is that after today we can be sure that the hands of America will no longer be in the hands of a Bush.

Instead of taking a serious look at the candidates, I have decided to take the time to write what I have heard, what I know, and what I really care about.

What I know:
1. You can't talk about politics with anyone in a serious manner without feeling like they are going to throw a dart through your forehead if you don't agree.
2. You can't talk to people who are not intelligent about politics or else you may feel the need to throw a dart through their heads.

With that being said:

What I have heard about Obama in the last week (All of these go with my number 2 of what I know about politics):
Obama is a muslim.
Obama is an Arab or an A-Rab
Obama wants to change the national language
Obama is the anti-christ
Obama was born in Kenya
Obama wants to take over the world
Obama will make the economy worst by long-term planning (But bush did a great job with his short-term plan)
Obama is gonna start the second holocaust and put all the Jews back into Concentration camps

What I KNOW about J Mcain
He is old.
He has bad taste in VP candidates
He should have picked my mom as his VP candidate (see article: "McCain Should Have Picked Me-by Carolyn Segal Morning Call http://mobile.mcall.com/news.jsp?key=168370&full=1&rc=null)

What I know about Biden
Not much

What I know about Palin
She doesn't know much.

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